Visit us at the 2019 Reno Angus Convention

We will be at the 136th Annual Angus Convention, November 2nd-4th at the Reno Sparks Convention Center with our dogs. Come by our booth between 11 am and 8 pm and say hi. Be sure and come watch our demo at 6:30 pm on Saturday November 2nd. We will have DVDs and whistles available.

Update from Shane and Molly

Hi everyone! Well so far the year has started out great. We went to the Klamath Falls Cowdog Trial and Shane won the long go with Hope and was third with Lad. They only took three back to the finals and he ended up second and third. Cowdog trials slow down a bit for us now so we head to sheepdog trials now. We went down to Zamora Hills sheepdog trial and had some nice runs on those big rolling...

An update from Shane and Molly

It’s been a busy summer this year! We had a beautiful healthy baby boy in May that we named Wyatt. Now we are off to dog trials! We just attended the Third Annual Cowdog Classic in Medford Oregon where Shane ended up Res. Ch. Nursery dog with Hope and was fifth with Lad and Molly and CeeCee were second in the long go in the intermediate.  Just finished up today at Cottonwood California at...

On the road to the Reno Rodeo Cow Dog Trial

Over the next few days, Shane and Molly will be bringing you updates from their trip to the Reno Rodeo Cow Dog Trial. Wednesday’s Entry Terrific Handler’s Dinner. Can’t wait until tomorrow! Great day for a drive to Reno! Tuesday’s Entry Got both the dogs schooled and ready to head out in the morning to the Reno Rodeo Cowdog Trial!   Monday’s Entry Time to...

Suggestions and questions are welcome

Now that Stockdog Training Courses with Shane Harley has been up and running for a little over 2 months, we thought it was time to check in with our subscribers and get your feedback. Do you like the format? The content? Would you like it presented a different way or see different topics? We want to provide a product that is useful and easy to follow so please feel free to drop us a line with any...

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Little Horse Mountain Productions